The variety of natural resources and the abundance of cultural heritage of Herzegovina have replenished local people with hospitality and kindness. According to tradition, the guest is here met with rich offer of healthy and natural food. Herzegovinians are nice and caring hosts. As a welcoming sign, the gates are always wide open. Old houses are mostly built from stone, and in the middle of the dining area there used to be a fireplace with chains above. Some houses had one more fireplace which was slightly more raised and it was used for baking bread. This was also the location for smoking meat. In the old times families used to dine on low tables, sitting on tripods or chairs with carved half rounded backs.
The most distinctive feature of this region is traditional cuisine which matches the climate characteristics of the area and uses everything that nature offers. All of this is confirmed by vast spaces covered with rich pastures, various medical herbs, numerous lakes, forests, rivers and springs, which is the proof of a healthy environment. These conditions also favor cattle breeding, and their meat and milk are later used for well-known specialties. Because of the high environment pollution today, healthy food is very important for mankind. The production of meat, milk, kaymak, and cheese is this area is based on feeding the cattle with natural food, without the addition of mineral fertilizers. The production is mostly done in private households. The agriculture production is done under natural conditions, irrigation is done from spring water, and everything is fertilized strictly naturally.