Code Hub Mostar, located in the heart of Mostar, is an innovative coworking space that has been serving as a hub for individuals seeking an inspirational environment for work and networking since its opening in 2018. Established through the CODE project, with financial support from the European Union's EFRR and IPA II funds, this space is designed to support various professional needs through a combination of modern workstations, conference rooms, and additional facilities catering to both work and education.
Code Hub Mostar offers a productive work atmosphere, providing users with fast and stable internet, well-equipped workspaces, additional monitors, office equipment, as well as Skype rooms for uninterrupted phone calls and online meetings. The space also features a kitchen stocked with complimentary coffee, tea, and snacks, allowing users to take breaks and socialize, along with an outdoor terrace providing extra space for relaxation and informal meetings.
Special attention is given to fostering a relaxed atmosphere that encourages collaboration and the exchange of ideas among users.
Meeting spaceThe range of packages includes Daily pass, Monthly pass, as well as flexible options like Hour 30 and Hour 50, tailored to different user needs. Users also have access to three conference rooms for meetings and presentations, with their usage included in the aforementioned packages, or available for separate rental through specially designed packages. Additionally, Event and Mini Event packages are offered, allowing space rental for various events, tailored to the needs and desires of organizations and companies organizing the event.
EventsCode Hub Mostar is not just a workspace; it is also a space where various free educational and networking events are regularly organized, such as Code On Meetups, Fuckup Nights Mostar, HubVerse Chats, as well as various workshops and film evenings. These events provide opportunities for learning, sharing experiences, and building new professional connections. Events organized by Code Hub are free and open to all interested individuals.
The Code Hub Mostar community encompasses a wide range of professionals and startups from various industries, including IT, construction, design, marketing, and many others. Special attention is also given to students, who can find a quiet place for studying and working on projects at Code Hub, with an additional discount on all packages, thus encouraging their education and professional development.
Code Hub Mostar is also a desirable location for digital nomads, who come from all corners of the world and visit Mostar. For them, Code Hub offers easy access to a space equipped for uninterrupted work and networking. In Code Hub, digital nomads can receive advice and all the information they need, whether it's about local customs, interesting locations, or professional opportunities in Mostar.
Theatre | Classroom | Boardroom | U-shape | Banquet | Cocktail | |
Open spaceMaximum capacity: 70. Area: 4m² | 70 | 20 | 20 | 16 | - | - |
Meeting Room WesterosMaximum capacity: 2. Area: 5m² | 2 | 2 | 2 | - | - | - |
Meeting Room HogwartsMaximum capacity: 12. Area: 15m² | 12 | 10 | 10 | 6 | - | - |
Meeting Room Middle-EarthMaximum capacity: 15. Area: 35m² | 15 | 12 | 10 | 12 | - | - |